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Showing posts from October, 2019

28. Hacking your Set-top box IR remote

Hello everyone! Today I will teach you how to hack your set-top box IR remote using Arduino. In this case, I will be using Videocon d2h IR remote. If you are unsure about how to use the IR transmitter module for making IR remote, or do not know about IR communication, please refer to my previous project  about making an IR remote and controlling some LEDs with it. My previous project was designed for beginners in IR communication using Arduino. Hacking your set-top box IR remote can be useful in emergency situations, when the remote runs out of battery or does not function properly. In my opinion, I think that the power, channel up/ down and volume increase/decrease are the important buttons of your IR remote so I have hacked them by giving these functions to the push-buttons of my IR remote. Supplies Arduino Nano Solderless Breadboard IR transmitter module (KY-005) IR receiver module (KY-022) Push-buttons (x5) Resistor - 220 Ω Male-to-Male Jumper wi...

27. Touch-sensitive brightness levels of LEDs

Hello friends! Today I will teach you how to control the brightness levels of LEDs with your touch. For this project, you will be needing a human touch sensor (KY-036). I have already done a project using the human touch sensor. Please refer to that project to learn about how the human touch sensor works. The push-button in between of the sensor and the LED is used to control the blue LED. The button is programed to act as a toggle switch, so when the button is pressed and the switch is on, your touch will have an effect only on the blue LED. When you place your finger on the base of the transistor, the sensor acts as a closed switch and the LED's brightness increases. When the LED has reached its maximum brightness, the buzzer gets switched on and alerts us. If we place our finger on the sensor again, after the alert, the LED switches off and starts to get brighter, repeating the whole process. The same process is done for the RGB LED module. Supplies Arduino Na...

26. DIY IR Remote and IR Remote controlled LEDs

Hello everyone! Today I will be teaching you how to make a DIY IR Remote and IR Remote controlled LEDs. For this project, you will be needing both Arduino Uno and Arduino Nano. Before starting this project, make sure that you install the IRremote Library by Ken Shirriff from your Arduino IDE software. Please visit this website , to learn about IR communication in detail. Refer to the 'Coding' section in this page to understand how to start this project. Supplies Arduino Uno Arduino Nano Type A/B USB cable (for Arduino Uno) Type A to Mini B USB cable (for Arduino Nano) Solderless Breadboard (x2) - Mini and Full-size IR transmitter module (KY-005) IR receiver module (KY-022) Resistors (x5) - 220Ω Push-buttons (x5) LEDs (x4) - Red, Green, Yellow, and Blue Male-to-Male Jumper wires (x21) - 10cm 3 pin Female-to-Female Jumper Wires (x2) - 70cm Jumpers (x5) Setup Your setup must look somewhat similar to this. You c...

25. Prototype - Tilt Indicator with Magic Light cup modules

Hey guys! Today we will be learning how to make a Tilt indicator using magic light cup modules (KY-027). I have also done an alarm device using the mercury tilt switch , and you may have an idea of how the mercury tilt switch works.  The magic light cup modules come in pairs and each consists of a mercury tilt switch, LED and 10k Ω resistor.   I  will be using an Arduino Uno for this project, but you are also allowed to use an Arduino Nano. In this project, when the breadboard is horizontal (0 ° tilt)  only one LED will be lit,  and when the breadboard tilts, the second LED lights up. Not only the second LED lights up, but it also creates an illusion which almost makes us believe that the light is 'pouring' from first cup to the second one. Supplies Arduino Uno/ Nano Solderless Breadboard Magic Light cup modules (x2) - KY-027 Type A/ B USB cable (for Arduino Uno) / Type A to mini B USB cable (for Arduino Nano) Male-to-Male...

24. RFID based Security System (Basic)

Hey guys! Today we will be learning how to make a basic security system using Radio-frequency identification. RFID is one method of automatic identification and data capture, and is used in many industries. Let me give you a glimpse of this project. Initially, we will scan our tags with the MFRC522 RFID reader  module to record the data stored in them. RFID tags come in many forms, such as inlay, label, card, badge, hard tag and key tag, and in this project I will be using an RFID key tag and card tag.  Then, we will upload the codes to start this project. In this project, the key tag will be the recognised user and the card tag will be the unidentified user. How do RFID systems work? RFID systems use radio waves to transmit information from the tag to the antenna connected to the reader. There are three different types of RFID systems: Active Passive Semi- Passive/Active The RFID system in this project is passive. To get a detailed explanation about...

23. Distance meter

Hello everyone! Today we will be learning how to make a distance meter using Arduino. For this project, we will be using an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04), temperature and humidity sensor (DHT11) and 0.96" OLED display module.  If you are not familiar with the OLED display module, please feel free to refer to my previous project: Simple Weather Station Refer to this datasheet  to learn about the ultrasonic sensor. How does the distance meter work? The ultrasonic sound sensor has an ultrasonic wave transmitter and receiver. A transmitter emits a signal which is reflected off an object - within 2 cm to 400 cm - and received by the receiver. The time taken for the signal to travel from the transmitter to the receiver is divided by two and multiplied by the speed of sound in air to give us the distance between the sensor and the object. Distance (m) = (Duration/2 )/1000 x Speed of sound The speed of sound in air is affected by the temperature of air, so the...

22. Prototype - Simple Weather Station using OLED display module and DHT11

Hello friends, Today we will be learning how to make a simple weather station using an OLED display module and Temperature and Humidity sensor. I will be using a 0.96" OLED display module that features 128 x 64 pixels and uses the SPI bus. Before we start, lets get familiar with the OLED display. In the image above, you can see seven pins on the module, which are: GND - Ground VCC - Power Input (5V in this case) D0 - Acts as clock pin D1 - Data pin for the module RES - Reset  DC - Data Command CS - Chip select (Useful when more than one module is used under SPI protocol) You will also need some essential libraries installed on your Arduino IDE. The libraries are: DHT sensor library by Adafruit (You will need this for your DHT11) U8glib by Oliver ( I found this library more convenient than the Adafruit SSD1306 by Adafruit) Here is the user reference manual for the U8glib if you are unfamiliar with this library:

21. 4 x 4 x 4 LED cube

Hello everyone! Today, I will show you how to make an LED cube (4x4x4). I have used blue LEDs but you are allowed to use any other colour.  This project took nearly two days for completion - one day to complete the structure and the next one to prepare the sketch. This project was specially designed for my Arduino Nano; unfortunately, the Arduino Nano had some issues while uploading the code. After several attempts, I realised that the problem was with the Arduino board and not my sketch. At first I used the Arduino Uno, but later I solved the issue with the Arduino Nano and used it.  Supplies LEDs (x64) - any colour Metal wires - 4" long and 20 gauge thick Resistors (x4) - 220 Ω Arduino Nano Prototype PCB Wires - Thin Solder Cardboard sheet/ Wooden plank/ 3D printed template You may need some tools as well, which are: Soldering iron Needle-Nose pliers (for cutting) Round-Nose pliers (for bending the metal wires) ...