Hey everyone!
We have already learnt how to make a Door Lock system using RFID. Now I will be teaching you about another way to unlock a door - using IR transmitter and receiver modules. In this project, you will be making an IR remote and control a Solenoid door lock with it. I have already explained you about making an IR remote and how to control some components with it. If you are unclear about this, please visit this post:
- Arduino Uno
- Arduino Nano (for IR remote)
- USB Type A/ B cable (for Arduino Uno)
- USB Type A to mini B cable (for Arduino Nano)
- Solderless Breadboard - Mini and Full-Size
- IR Transmitter module (KY-005)
- IR Receiver module (KY-022)
- Resistor - 220Ω
- Push-button
- Relay module - 5V single channel
- Solenoid Door Lock - 12V DC
- Voltage Regulator/ 12V DC power adapter
- Male-to-Male Jumper wires (x5) - 10cm
- Female-to-Male Jumper wires (x3) - 20cm
- Jumpers(x10) - To reduce the usage of wires
Your setup must look somewhat similar to those shown in the images above. The solenoid door lock can be connected to the Arduino microcontroller with either the single channel 5V relay module or transistor and diode.
IR transmitter module (KY-005)
- S - D3
- (-) - Ground (GND)
- (+) - There is no connectivity between this pin and the IR LED
IR receiver module (KY-022)
- S - D11
- (+) - 5V
- (-) - Ground (GND)
Relay module
- S - D6
- (+) - 5V
- (-) - Ground (GND)
For this project, I will be using NEC IR transmission protocol to control my Relay module, and you will be needing the 'IRremote' Library by Ken Shiriff. Go to File----> Examples---->IRremote----> IRrecvDump in your Arduino IDE software. Compile and upload this sketch to your Arduino microcontroller. Decode the IR signals sent by your IR remote and write down the IR code.
Create a new sketch and use the Example file. Modify the codes by creating global variable for your Relay module and another variable named 'value'. Within void setup( ), use pinMode( ) to configure your Relay module pin as OUTPUT. Remove the void dump( ) function from this sketch.
Within void loop( ), you can see an if( ) function. Within 'if (irrecv.decode(&results)){ }' function, use if...else( ) function to control your relay module. If the results.value is equal to the HEX format of the decoded IR signal, the value variable's state must toggle. Use your knowledge of debouncing to do this. One simple example may include:
value = 1- value
If the value variable is equal to 1, the relay module must be switched on. If the variable is equal to 0, the relay module must be switched off.
IR remote
According to IRremote library, the IR transmitter module must be connected to D3 only. If you are new to this, please go to File----> Examples---->IRremote----> IRsendDemo in your Arduino IDE software.
Compile the sketch and upload it to your Arduino microcontroller. Infrared light is invisible to human eyes but you could see it through a camera. Place your phone camera above the IR LED in the transmitter module and observe the Infrared light. If it works, your connections are correct.
Create global variable for your push button and another variable named 'state'. You must use IRsend function to send IR codes.
Within void setup( ), use pinMode( ) to configure your push-button pin as INPUT_PULLUP. Your push-button sends a LOW signal to the Arduino microcontroller when it's pressed - if its pin is configured as INPUT_PULLUP.
Within void loop( ), assign the 'state' variable to store the state of your push-button. The state must be read using the digitalRead( ) function. If the state is LOW, your IR LED must send IR signals using NEC IR transmission protocol. This could be done using sendNEC function. The parameters within this function are the IR code and the number of bits. In this case, the number of bits is 32. Set a delay of 40 milliseconds.
*Note: If you have any doubts with the coding, please feel free to comment below or send me an email at arduinoprojectsbyr@gmail.com.
Final Look
Follow my blog to stay updated with my latest projects and tutorials. Stay tuned for the third version of this project.
If anyone has any questions, or suggestions, about this project, please feel free to comment below or send me an email at arduinoprojectsbyr@gmail.com.
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