Hey everyone! I am back with an interesting project. Today, you will be learning about controlling a Simple 2 axis Robotic Arm, made from Micro servo motors, with an MPU-6050 sensor module. Please feel free to visit my previous blog post to learn about the MPU-6050 sensor module. Hardware components used in this project Arduino Mega 2560 - You could use any other Arduino microcontroller, but make sure you use an external power supply. USB Type A/B cable (for Arduino Mega 2560) MPU-6050 sensor module SG-90 Tower Pro Micro Servo motor (x2) Male-to-Male Jumper wires (x6) Male-to-Female Jumper wires (x5) Setup Schematic MPU-6050 sensor module VCC - 3.3V GND - Ground SDA - D20 (Arduino Mega 2560), A4 (Arduino Uno and Nano) SCL - D21 (Arduino Mega 2560), A5 (Arduino Uno and Nano) INT - D2 Micro servo motor (Roll) S (Yellow/ Orange) - D9 + (Red) - 5V - (Black/ Brown) - GND Micro servo motor (Pitch) S (Yellow/ Orange) - D10 + (Red) - 5V - (Black/ Brown) - GND Coding As I alread...
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