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67. Larson Scanner using Arduino and 74HC595 Shift Register

Hey everyone!
Today I am going to explain you about making a simple 8-LED Larson Scanner using Arduino and 74HC595 Shift Register. I will also give you a brief explanation about the 74HC595 shift register so that you could understand this project.

Hardware components used in this project

  • Arduino Nano
  • Solderless Breadboard - Full +
  • Shift Register - 74HC595
  • LEDs (x8)
  • Resistors (x8) - 330Ω
  • Male-to-Male Jumper wires (x11) 
  • Jumpers (x7) - To reduce the usage of wires

74HC595 shift register

The 74HC595 shift register, nicknamed as '595', is used to expand the number of I/O ports you can use from your Arduino, and works on Serial IN Parallel OUT protocol. It uses only three input pins and controls eight separate output pins.
  • QA - QH: Output pins which should be connected to any type of output, for example - LEDs
  • Ground: this pin should be connected to the ground of Arduino
  • QH': You do not have to connect this pin in this project. This pin is useful when two or more shift registers are used. Connecting this pin to the Serial Input pin of the other shift register will make the shift registers to behave like one IC by giving both the shift registers the same clock signal.
  • SRCLR (Shift Register Clear): This pin allows us to reset the entire shift register. This is a negative logic pin, so to perform this reset, this pin should be set LOW. When no reset is required, this pin should be set HIGH. In this case, this pin is connected to 5V as no reset is required.
  • SRCLK (Shift Register Clock): Clock for the shift register. The 595 is clock-driven on the rising edge, which means that in order to shift bits into the shift register, the clock must be set HIGH. In this case, this pin is connected to D6.
  • RCLK (Register Clock): This pin is also known as the latch pin. When driven HIGH, the contents of shift register are copied into the storage/ latch register, which shows up at the output. This pin is connected to D5.
  • OE (Output Enable): This pin uses negative logic. When OE pin is connected to GND (low voltage), the output pins work normally, but when it is connected to high voltage, the output pins are disabled or set to HIGH impedance state and do not allow the current to flow.
  • SER (Serial Input): This pin is used to feed data into the shift register a bit at a time, and in this case, this pin is connected to D4.
  • VCC - This is the power supply for the shift register. The VCC pin must be connected to 5V.



In this section, I will be explaining you about the connections of the 74HC595 shift register.
  • Pin 01 - Second LED
  • Pin 02 - Third LED
  • Pin 03 - Fourth LED
  • Pin 04 - Fifth LED
  • Pin 05 - Sixth LED
  • Pin 06 - Seventh LED
  • Pin 07 - Eight LED
  • Pin 08 - Ground
  • Pin 09 - Not connected (in this case)
  • Pin 10 - 5V
  • Pin 11 - D6
  • Pin 12 - D5
  • Pin 13 - Ground
  • Pin 14 - D4
  • Pin 15 - First LED
  • Pin 16 - 5V


Now we will be focusing on the coding. If anyone needs help with the functions, please feel free to follow the hyperlink and get guidance from Arduino reference. Create global variables named clock, data and latch and assign them to 6, 4, and 5 respectively as they are connected to D6, D4 and D5. Create a global variable named value using the byte data type. 
Within void setup( ), call pinMode( ) to configure the clock, data and latch pins as OUTPUT. 
Within void loop( ), create a local variable named delayPeriod and assign it to 100. 
Here's a code snippet:
for (int LED = 0; LED <= 7; LED++)
    shiftWrite(LED, HIGH);    // turn LED on
    shiftWrite(LED, LOW); // turn LED off
for (int LED = 0; LED <= 7; LED--)
    shiftWrite(LED, HIGH);    // turn LED on
    shiftWrite(LED, LOW); // turn LED off
Include these codes within void loop.
Now we have to create a function named shiftWrite( ). For this we have to use void data type and the parameters should be int Pin and boolean state. Within this function, call bitWrite( ) and the parameters for bitWrite( ) should be value, Pin and state. Afterwards, use shiftOut( ) function and the bitOrder in this case should be most significant bit first, MSBFIRST. Set the register clock pin HIGH to see the output and set it back to LOW.

Final Look

If anyone has any questions or suggestions about this project, please feel free to comment below or send me an email at


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