Hey friends,
Within void setup( ), call pinmode( ) to configure each component pin as INPUT or OUTPUT. Initiate SPI bus and MFRC522.
In this project, I have used the laser transmitter module and photoresistor module. The MFRC522 reader module will be used to read the data stored in the RFID key tag and card tag. In this case, the card tag will be used to switch on the laser transmitter module and the key tag will be used to switch it off.
Initially, I used the MC-38 Wired Magnetic Door/ Window sensor to detect whether the door is open or closed; unfortunately, the contacts within reed switch in the sensor got burnt out because of some faulty coding. Afterwards, I used the Mini Reed module (KY-021) and it did not work as well. I used the Hall Magnetic sensor module (KY-003) but it required a strong magnet. Finally, I decided to use the Laser transmitter module (KY-008) and the photoresistor module (KY-018). This concept was used in one of my previous projects (Safety box using Arduino). I taped a cardboard box to my door to act as an interrupter.
Read the 'Coding' section of this page to learn about how this project works.
- Arduino Uno / Nano
- USB Type A/ B cable ( for Arduino Uno) or USB Type A to mini B cable (for Arduino Nano)
- Solderless Breadboard - Mini
- MFRC522 RFID reader module
- RFID tags - Card and Key tag
- Laser transmitter module (KY-008)
- Photoresistor module (KY-018)
- Active Buzzer Module (KY - 012)
- Rocker switch
- DC power adapter - 12V---1A
- White LED strip lights - 12V
- Relay Module - 5V 1 channel
- Power Bank - 10000 mAh
- Male-to-Male Jumper wires (x17) - 10cm
- Female-to-Male Jumper wires (x3) - 20cm
- Female-to-Male Jumper wires (x1) - 70 cm
- 3 pin Female-to-Female Jumper wires (x4) - 70cm
Laser transmitter module (KY-008)
- S - D5
- (+) - 5V
- (-) - Ground (GND)
Photoresistor module (KY-018)
- S - A0
- (+) - 5V
- (-) - Ground (GND)
MFRC522 RFID reader module
- SDA/ SS - D10
- MOSI - D11
- MISO - D12
- SCK - D13
- GND - Ground
- 3.3 V - 3.3 V
Active Buzzer Module (KY-012)
- S - D6
- ( + ) - 5V
- ( - ) - Ground (GND)
Relay module
- S - D7
- (+) - 5V
- (-) - Ground (GND)
I have given you a glimpse of this project works in the first section. Now I will explain you about the project and coding. You will need the built-in library, 'SPI' and 'MFRC522' library by GitHub community. Before you start, you will need to scan your RFID tags. To do this, go to Examples, open this library's folder and open the sketch with the name 'DumpInfo'. Upload this sketch to your Arduino board and open the 'Serial Monitor'. Place your key tag in front of the MFRC522 RFID reader module and wait for a few seconds. You will see the data (which is stored in the tag) print on the Serial Monitor along with the UID (Unique Identification) tag. Write down the UID tag.
Before continuing this project, connect the photoresistor and laser transmitter modules to your Arduino board and measure the analog output produced by the photoresistor module when the laser is on/ off while the door is open/closed.
Before continuing this project, connect the photoresistor and laser transmitter modules to your Arduino board and measure the analog output produced by the photoresistor module when the laser is on/ off while the door is open/closed.
Create global variables for each components. For the MFRC522 RFID reader module, define the RST pin and create MFRC522 instance.
#define RST_PIN 9
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);
Within void setup( ), call pinmode( ) to configure each component pin as INPUT or OUTPUT. Initiate SPI bus and MFRC522.
Within void loop( ), program your microcontroller such that the laser transmitter module is turned on when the card tag is placed in front of the MFRC522 RFID reader, and is switched off when the key tag is placed.
I have used the tone( ) function to make the buzzer sound different when the key tag or card tag is placed in front of the MFRC522 RFID reader. When the key tag is placed in front of the MFRC522 RFID reader, the buzzer must emit sound at 100Hz for 500 milliseconds, and when the card tag is placed, the buzzer must emit sound at 500 Hz for 700 milliseconds.
When the key tag is placed and door is opened, the photoresistor detect change in light levels and the relay module is switched on. When the card tag is placed and the door is opened, the relay module is switched off and the pin of the active buzzer module is set HIGH.
Please watch the YouTube video in the last section of this page, to see how this project works.
When the key tag is placed and door is opened, the photoresistor detect change in light levels and the relay module is switched on. When the card tag is placed and the door is opened, the relay module is switched off and the pin of the active buzzer module is set HIGH.
Please watch the YouTube video in the last section of this page, to see how this project works.
If you have doubts with the coding, please feel free to comment below or send an email to arduinoprojectsbyr@gmail.com.
Any of you, who have subscribed to my YouTube channel, liked my YouTube video and followed my blog can contact me via my email address if you want the complete coding.
Any of you, who have subscribed to my YouTube channel, liked my YouTube video and followed my blog can contact me via my email address if you want the complete coding.
Final Look
If anyone has questions, or suggestions, about this project, please feel free to comment below or send an email to arduinoprojectsbyr@gmail.com.
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