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Showing posts from June, 2020

74. Social Distancing with automatic door control system

Hey everyone! Today I will be explaining you about my new COVID-19 project. This project is about practicing social distancing more effectively with an automatic door control system, and will be helpful in public places such as Malls, supermarkets, railway station, ticket counters and other places where queueing is essential. The World Health Organisation, WHO, has advised people to practice social distancing (staying away from people for at least one metre) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease. In this project, the distance between the laser diodes are modelled as 1 m. Read on further to learn how I did this project. Hardware components used in this project Arduino Mega 2560 USB Type A/ B cable Breadboard power supply module - 3.3V/ 5V Solderless Breadboard - Full+ Laser diodes (x5) Photoresistors/ LDR (x5) Resistors (x5) - 10kΩ Ultrasonic sensor module (HC-SR04) IR tracking sensor module  TowerPro Micro servo motor (x2) - SG90 LCD display module with I2C interface - 16x2 Mal...